The main goal of Task 3.3 Risk management and transparency for the data analytics platform is to develop supporting technologies that make the privacy-preserving data analytics from PAPAYA transparent to data subjects. Towards this goal, the primary purpose of this first out of two deliverables from Task 3.3 is to identify existing risk management artefacts that can be shared with data subjects to inform them about the risks associated with having their personal data processed by the PAPAYA platform. The identified risk artefacts that may be suitable to share with data subjects are generated as part of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), performed by organisations to assess the risks to data subjects of planned processing of personal data.

As future work in Task 3.3, we plan to improve the usability and number of artefacts from the CNIL’s PIA tool to be more usable for sharing with data subjects, in particular for explaining the assessed risks associated with having their personal data processed with privacy-preserving data analytics.

See the full document in the link below.

Karlstad University