Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 40 billion euros in 2015 and 154,000 employees worldwide at 30 June 2016, including 96,000 employees in France. Present in 29 countries, the Group has a total customer base of 250 million customers worldwide at 30 June 2016, including 189 million mobile customers and 18 million fixed broadband customers. The Innovation Marketing and Technologies (IMT) division is in charge of implementing innovative strategies decided by the executive committee. It provides the latter with ideas and a future vision to develop Group strategies. It is based on 10 divisions, including Orange Labs (Research, Networks, Services), which are in charge of research and coordinate Group standardization activities. Orange Labs also pilot network strategy. They have global technical responsibility for Orange products and services - from the definition and creation of innovative services to solution maintenance and country implementation.