We are glad to announce that the final online review of PAPAYA took place on October 6th
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Project PAPAYA (www.papaya.eu), has participated in the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF), which is the flagship event of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community organized by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the European Commission (DG CNECT) held between the 3rd and the 5th of November 2020.

On the last 7th of February 2020, our partners from EURC have orginaze EURECOM’s Scientific Council event, where presented the demonstration of the privacy preserving arrhythmia detection.

On the last 22th of January 2020, our partners have participated in Semestre thématique Cybersécurité du Labex CIMI
On the last 20th of January 2020, our partners have participated in "NECS Winter School 2020".

Participation in the 12th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security which took place in Toulouse and nominated to the "Best Paper Award".
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Big Data Analytics
The PAPAYA project provides tools that enable computation over a wide range of operations, from simple statistics to sophisticated machine learning algorithms, in a most efficient manner and while attaining functional requirements of a set of realistic scenarios we propose to validate the platform against.
Multi-Setting Data Processing Protocols
There are several use cases intended to cover a realistic and wide variety of scenarios, where data flows interact with diverse sources and/or destinations. These collaborative analytics require a thoughtful analysis about the actors involved in terms of data protection and privacy, in order to conform to existing General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Risk Management and User-Centric Dashboard
The PAPAYA platform will offer default, privacy-friendly configurations to users in order to enable a flexible trade-off between privacy and utility in Big Data Analytics, thus reducing the risk of data leakage. PAPAYA provides a dashboard which enables visualization to the data protection and privacy provisioned. Consequently this transparency increases trust in Big Data providers for Data Analytics while complying with existing regulations that focus on end-users' data protection and privacy.
Integrated Big Data Analytics Platform
PAPAYA´s final technical goal is to define a common framework for privacy-preserving Big Data Analytics that shows the relationship among privacy, protocols and analytics in each of the settings described and that fits into the each of the use cases. Besides, the platform should provide usable, user-friendly and accesible safeguard options.
End-to-End Use Case Validation
Two different use cases are proposed, healthcare and web analytics. The goal here is to derive functional and non-functional requirements that conform to the needs of the data analytics in question. These requirements evolve together with the design and implementation of the PAPAYA platform. This is also useful to ensure final validation of the platform according to the mentioned use cases.
Dissemination and Exploitation
The consortium will exploit the project results in the relevant communities, sectors (industrial, academic). Innovation and knowledge transfer activites are also contemplated in order to reach data analytics groups and stakeholders of interest.